There has never been a “Better” time to join the MLCC!
The Mountain Laurel Chamber of Commerce (MLCC), known as the “Gateway to the Laurel Highlands”, services portions of Fayette, Westmoreland, and Somerset Counites. We offer an array of services that could very well build awareness to your businesses. There has never been a better time to join us than right now, because we have some incredible marketing opportunities rolling out for this spring.
New Members Receive:
- FREE full-page editorial in our monthly “Gateway to the Laurel Highlands Flyer”:
The FREE editorial (valued at $269) includes photos and/or logos and is written by our in-house professional freelance writer. The flyer is mailed out monthly to over 7800 households along with an additional 1000 copies that are dropped shipped to area businesses. It is also visible on our website’s homepage.
- FREE ongoing participation in the MLCC Virtual Job Fair (VJF):
We are excited to announce the MLCC VJF, sponsored by Josh Crowe, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, and we are excited to offer it as a FREE SERVICE to our members! A database of potential employees for the VJF is being created and members of the MLCC will receive a link to access it. it’s the database will be constantly updated making this a tool that can be used all year long. It is that simple! Need an employee? Log on to the MLCC Virtual Job Fair Link!
- MLCC “Gateway to the Laurel Highlands” 2021/2022 Fun Map:
Our signature FUN Map is only offered every-other year and, this is the year! The member ads that surround the map, serve as a great way to build exposure to our four-season visitors, i.e., vacationers, campers, hikers, skiers, wedding parties, golfers, construction crews, etc. Joint membership participation offers VERY affordable advertising in all the distribution places listed on the previous page. We have been told, “OUR MAPS FLY OUT OF THE RACKS!”
Please contact the MLCC office today 724-593-8900 or email us at [email protected] for more information on these opportunities.
MLCC Better Together
Kris Enberg
Executive Director